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labor court造句

"labor court"是什么意思  
  • Spis hinted workers may bring another appeal to the labor court.
  • A Jerusalem labor court was trying to resolve the dispute Tuesday.
  • His group appealed to the Labor Court to stop the strike.
  • Legislation, labor courts and labor inspections are other forces for change.
  • An agricultural labor court was established to review suspected violations.
  • The labor court is a political tool of the government.
  • A Jerusalem labor court was trying to resolve the dispute Wednesday . sb
  • A Jerusalem labor court was trying to resolve the dispute Tuesday . sb
  • Labor courts would have to create jurisprudence concerning this point.
  • In December 2014, through the Regional Labor Court-TRT 5th.
  • It's difficult to see labor court in a sentence. 用labor court造句挺难的
  • Israeli labor courts are tasked with settling labor disputes.
  • A labor court ruled the strike was illegal.
  • Two rulings against the strike by the federal labor court haven't helped.
  • A Jerusalem labor court was trying to resolve the dispute Tuesday . sb-kl
  • Dahan has acted as a public representative of workers at the National Labor Court.
  • He was appointed to the Tel Aviv Labor Court on February 18, 2011.
  • The labor officials spoke at a news conference at the National Labor Court in Jerusalem.
  • A labor court declared the strike illegal.
  • A labor court was meeting Friday to iron out the final details of an agreement.
  • The strikers ignored a national labor court injunction ordering some of them back to work.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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